I had worked in a big global corporation when I met her — my colleague from India. Her name was Krishna.She joined the same team as I. She was a kind, a little bit shy person. When our manager asked me to teach her I gladly agreed. I guess I inherited some pedagogical skills from… Continue reading Different Love in India
Author: HardFreedom
Becoming a Developer — Through Hell And Emotions
I was a happy Project Manager working in a good company but once I decided that it’s enough — “I need to change something in my life. Probably I need to change my profession. Oh wait — IT guys are so cool, smart, and earn good money. Of course — it’s a way to go!… Continue reading Becoming a Developer — Through Hell And Emotions
Poverty (and Happiness?) in the Villages of Lombok
We hired a driver to see a country life in Lombok. Actually, I thought it will be a walking tour in rice fields, but it ended up with a lot of thoughts about poverty, happiness, and empathy. We went to a village called Telebatu – it’s a small village in the middle of Lombok which… Continue reading Poverty (and Happiness?) in the Villages of Lombok
I Will Never Find Peace in Travelling
Today I am in Ubud – capital of culture in Bali. Or it’s not the capital of culture, maybe locals started to call it like that after the movie “Eat, pray, love” with Julia Roberts coming to Bali to find a healer. I’ve heard, that a lot of local people became ‘healers’ after this movie,… Continue reading I Will Never Find Peace in Travelling
Daily Work – Different Cultures in My Pocket
I have worked with English, Americans, Germans, Indians, Swedes, Danes, Lithuanians, etc., and I’ll tell you – I’m tired! Not sure if I’m tired, because I’m tired, or I’m tired, because of daily cultural differences. But why I am even writing that I’m tired?? I’ll be fine, I’m going to Indonesia for vacation soon! Today… Continue reading Daily Work – Different Cultures in My Pocket
Chaos in the Airport
Most of the flights are delayed, the rest of the flights are canceled – this is something that no traveler wants to experience, but we weren’t lucky enough to avoid this situation. And why? I have no clue, but I want to tell this story for you and for the future myself. And yes, it… Continue reading Chaos in the Airport